Thursday, December 24, 2009

All Feline Products Are NOT Created Equal

All Feline Products Are NOT Created Equal: SpoilMyKitty.Com™ understands that purchasing cat furniture can be an overwhelming task when considering all the choices and requirements involved. We also understand that there are several types of feline fanciers with varying needs and wants.

With this in mind, they offer their customers several choices and products designed especially for their kitty. Whether you are looking for great value on a limited budget, or have refined taste that only a premium product can offer, they have got you covered.

Spoil My Kitty's Standard Cat Furniture: is an exceptional value and should satisfy your kitty and yourself for many years to come (All Models Starting With A Or B). These models are designed with value and simplicity in mind, while offering great benefits for your cats enrichment. You'll never find furniture this large at a local pet store for 2 times the money!

Spoil My Kitty guarantee all standard models for a full 6 months from the date of purchase to be free from factory defects, and will replace any part should it become broken or is not to the customer's standard free of charge during that time.

Spoil My Kitty's Premium Furniture: is designed to have more lives than your kitty, and is truly the best feline furniture money can buy! Their premium pieces are a little more expensive, but, worth more than their weight in gold. Discerning customers choose this line of product because they want nothing but the best when they Spoil The Kitty (All Models Starting With PC-).

Premium Model Key Features:

- Indestructible 5" Diameter 100% Natural Sisal Wrapped Posts
- Welded Steel Frame Sleepers & Hammocks
- Zippered & Removable Washable Sleeper/Hammock Covers
- Huge Kitty Lounging Trays With 4" Lips
- Spacious Oversized Tunnels And Crawl Tubes
- Heavy Duty 2" Thick Tip-Proof Standard Base Plates
- Premium Faux Fur Cover Materials In Several Color Choices (No Cheap Carpet)
- All Parts Are Replaceable (No Need To Buy Another Cat Tree Ever Again!)
- 2 Year Warranty Including The Sisal Wrapping On The Posts

Spoil My Kitty guarantees the scratch posts on each and every premium model for TWO (2) YEARS. They are so confident that your feline friend(s) will not be able to "destroy" these tightly wrapped Sisal products, because, we've never had to replace a single one of these posts during the three decades we have been manufacturing cat trees.

Construction & Covering Materials: Spoil My Kitty does not use materials which resemble household items such as carpets or upholstery to cover our products. Their products are covered with the latest state-of-the-art faux materials designed especially for long lasting cat furniture. They use only the highest grade slick (washable) sliver velour (faux fur/faux fleece) fabric for their covering materials.

Your cats will feel more comfortable playing on their cat trees because these unique coverings feel and look different from the regular carpet in your home. Once your kitty gets acquainted with this cat furniture, they normally do not claw on your home carpet or furniture ever again!

Note: If you're looking for cat furniture covered with traditional household carpeting, you will not find it on SpoilMyKitty.Com!

PLEASE DO NOT: purchase scratching posts and cat furniture that are covered with carpet/remnants! Why? Because you can not expect your kitty to distinguish the difference between carpet they are allowed to attack, and the carpet on your floors you want them to leave alone. Most carpets are constructed in a pile loop or cut loop and your cat's claws can easily become snagged and damaged, also many contain formaldehyde which is poisonous to your kitty!

Since covering cat furniture with regular household carpeting never made good sense, why do so many other manufacturers still do it? In A Nutshell...It's Cheap To Come By And Very Profitable For Them!

All Vertical Posts Are Sisal Wrapped: Sisal rope is a wonderful scratching surface for cats because it is extremely durable. Sisal is a natural fiber and comes in many different sizes, colors and twist. Hiigh torque, pre-dried 1/4" rope is by far the best choice for your cat, this is what they use on their premium models, and 3/8" on their standard models.

Spoil My Kitty's products are built with your kitty in mind from the first step of the process! Why should a sisal post be an additional cost and option in the final purchase step? All of Spoil My Kitty'scat furniture comes standard with sisal scratching posts at no additional cost!

Protect your home furnishings and carpet while giving your special friends a place they will come to enjoy for years! Smartly placed and designed cat furniture can save you thousands in home repair, not to mention how much your kitty will appreciate you for spoiling them a little more!

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Federal Trade Commission Blogging Rules

The Federal Trade Commission has recently approved rules for blogging endorsements.

Some time ago we posted to our blog the information below which describes our links, endorsements, products for sale, our article sources and other things that you may want to know about us to help judge our reasons for selecting things for this Blog. We think that our posting has complied with our intent and the FTC's intent to provide information of value to you. If there are any comments or suggestions about this subject, please leave a comment.

Notice Regarding Links From This Blog

This Blogger loves pets and has operated Blue Ridge Pet Center since 1999 trying to provide only quality and unique pet products.

This blog was started originally to share with the customers of BRPC information that we think is informative and helpful in maintaining an active and happy pet with a good quality of life. Trying to be as accurate as possible, we sometimes republish information from other bloggers who may have more experience in their field than this writer. We try to find information that is timely and informative that our readers may not otherwise have found. The posts about the possible legislation for tax credit for pet care, health concerns and specialized training are some examples. When we use all or part of such a post we always link to the original source to enable our readers to investigate further into the topic as well as to give proper credit to the author and his or her expertise.

That is one type of link that you will see on our blog. There are four other forms of links found within articles as well as in surrounding areas that are meant for product promotion. This type of linkage is found on almost all small and large blogs of every nature.

One type of link is to which we own and operate. These links are to products that we have represented with positive feedback from our customers. The result of you purchasing and using that item may vary from experiences of others that have been reported to us.

Some links are relevant to the subject of the post. Some links are link ads just to acquaint or remind you of a certain items availability. In all cases the links to BRPC should be to a page that describes in some detail how that item looks, works, costs and how it will benefit the user. If a purchase of one of these products is made by you, we will make a profit from that sale.

Another type of link is provided by, and identified as, Google AdSence and they appear on most blogs, We allow Google to place those links on our blog because Google claims that they attempt to find sites that resemble the content of the blog and, therefore, may be useful to the reader. If you click on that link, we will earn a commission for the referral even if a purchase is not made.

Some links are in text or in banner form and are obviously ads. These ads can generate income to the blog by way of commissions if the reader makes a purchase as a result of following the link and making a purchase. These are normally links to companies that offer a product related to our blog that is not inventoried in our store. Links, for example, to the huge bookseller, Amazon .com, may be to a book related to the subject of the post being read in case the reader wants to consider further exploration of the topic. Amazon and similar sites pay us a commission for looking into their promotions and selecting things we feel may be of value. Based on the subject, it is beleived that the product shown may be of interest to the reader, however, we are not experts and may be incorrect as to the product's value. For this reason please understand that this referal is not an endoresment and we can not verafy any claim made by the company offering the product.

Another form of link will lead to an eBook found on Clickbank. These books are written by many different authors and offered through Clickbank for the ease of downloading and payment. When following a link to this site, please keep in mind that the quality of writing skill will vary but you will have an opportunity of reading promotional material about the eBooks possible benefits before deciding to make a purchase. The nice thing about an eBook is that you have instant access to the downloadable information that you can print or store on your computer. Even nicer is that you always have a very fast 100% money back satisfaction guarantee. I know the guarantee works as I have used it. Just as with Amazon above, a commission is paid for the referral if an item is purchased.

Lastly we run across things that we just like for the fun of it. I love Dark Chocolate and Popcorn for example. We find businesses like those companies that offer a quality product and for the fun of it we mention those things on the blog. How else would you think of a big tin of popcorn for yourself or as a gift. Yes, besides the fun, we get paid a referral commission if you actually purchase. Your enjoyment of that product, however, may differ from mine.
So - we try to research and provide to you information of value without cost to you - we offer some products to you that we believe in which results in a profit if you buy one from BRPC - we offer to you other subject related and unrelated items of interest that we earn a commission on if you agree with us.

It is educational, it is fun and it is a business. We hope you come often even if you never click on a link.

Blue Ridge Pet Center's Blog and it's articles, comments and other features therein are for informational purposes only and provided "as is" without warranties, representations, or guarantees of any kind.

Content on this blog should never be used as a substitute for advice from a qualified professional.

Blue Ridge Pet Center shall not be liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any content, and you agree to hold Blue Ridge Pet Center harmless from any loss, harm, injury or damage resulting from or arising out of your use of or reliance on any of the blog's content.

The views and opinions expressed in an article or column are that individual author's own and not necessarily those of Blue Ridge Pet Center or this Blog's registered administrator.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How To Handle Aggression In Dogs

What causes aggression and how should an owner handle it in dogs?

Aggression in dogs is defined as a threatening or harmful behavior directed toward another living creature. This includes snarling, growling, snapping, nipping, biting and lunging. Dogs that show such behavior are not abnormal; they are merely exhibiting normal species-typical behavior that is incompatible with human lifestyle (and safety). There are many reasons why a dog will act aggressively toward strangers or even his owner.

The first step, when attempting to find out why your dog is being aggressive, is to take him to your veterinarian.

Aggression is influenced by several factors, including:

# Genetic predisposition, early experience, maturation, sex, age, size, hormonal status, physiological state and external stimuli. Behaviorists use a classification system based on patterns of behavior and the circumstances in which they occur. This is done to determine the dog's motivation and the cause of the behavior. The classification is as follows:

# Dominance-related aggression is one of the most common types of canine aggression that behaviorists treat. The aggressive acts are directed toward one or several family members or other household pets. Dogs are pack animals, and they relate to humans as members of their own species and pack members.

# Territorial aggression is directed toward approaching animals or people outside of the pack in defense of a dog's area (home, room or yard), owner or fellow pack member.

# Inter-male aggression between adult males usually involves territorial or dominance disputes. Inter-female aggression occurs most frequently between adult females living in the same household.

# Predatory aggression is directed toward anything that the dog considers prey, usually other species, but sometimes any quick-moving stimulus, like a car or bike.

# Pain-induced aggression is caused by a person or animal that causes pain. It often occurs when a person attempts to touch a painful area or when injections are given.

# Fear-induced aggression occurs when people or animals approach a fearful dog. This is common when the dog cannot escape, and is sometimes seen when an owner uses severe punishment. Active, unpredictable children may also stimulate this type of aggression.

# Maternal aggression is directed toward anyone that approaches a bitch with puppies or in false pregnancy.

# Redirected aggression occurs when a dog that is aggressively motivated redirects the aggression from the source to another. For example, a dog that is barking at the door may redirect his aggression onto an owner that is pulling him back. Dominant dogs often redirect onto subordinates.

Treating aggressive behavior may involve a combination of behavior modification techniques (habituation, counterconditioning and desensitization), drug therapy, surgery (such as neutering/spaying), avoidance and management (such as leash or head halter). Each case is unique, and the success of treatment varies depending on the diagnosis and in accord with your capability, motivation and schedule.

Even with successful treatment, however, there is no guarantee that the aggressive behavior won't return. In most cases, the frequency and severity of aggressive behavior can be reduced but the aggressive behavior cannot be eliminated completely.

The best that may be hoped for is to reduce the probability of aggression. You must weigh the risks of keeping an aggressive dog against the benefits.

For more important information concerning aggression please visit:
