Monday, September 7, 2009

Great Source of Detailed Dog Breed Information

All Dog Breeds

With around 400 breeds of Canis Familiaris of every imaginable shape, size, color and temperament established since 1850, you are really spoiled for choices when it comes to picking your 'best friend'.

The diversity of dog breeds is the brainwave of Man himself. Light-years ago, we domesticated wolves, fed and sheltered them to obtain loyalty, protection and aid in hunting in return. The evolution from 'Wolf' to 'Woof' gained momentum when the domesticated wolf cubs mated amongst themselves to produce new strains of tamer, more domesticated dogs.

Click here to visit a great source of information on almost all dog breeds. For most breeds you can discover :

Origin and History of the Breed

General Appearance of the Breed

Coat Color

Coat Type

Height & Weight Norms

Temperament of the Breed

Better suited to an indoor or outdoor lifestyle?

Are they suited to homes with kids?

How Active is the Breed?

How Much Exercise Does the Dog Need at every stage of its Life?

Genetic Problems

Breeding the Dog and any Cautions

Life Span:

National Breed Clubs

Other Recognition

Rescue Link

[ Blue Ridge Pet Center Home ]

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Safe Dog Handbook


A Complete Guide to Protecting Your Pooch, Indoors and Out

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Each year, thousands of dogs and puppies are seriously hurt and even killed by a host of easily preventable accidents. The Safe Dog Handbook is the complete safety book, teaching dog owners how to ensure a safe home and outdoor experience for their canines.

“One of the best guides published on dog safety—great information, detailed color photography, quick reference guides. A fantastic, life-saving gift for new puppy parents.”

Full of practical information about everything from poisonous everyday foodstuffs and plants to choking hazards and travel safety, The Safe Dog Handbook is an essential guide for any dog owner.

Author Melanie Monteiro, a pet first aid instructor and award-winning advertising writer who specializes in the pet industry, explains step-by-step how to create a hazard-safe home and outdoor space. She offers vital, accessible information, including:

• Dog-proofing and puppy-proofing basics

• A color, illustrated emergency first aid guide

• A complete toxic plant guide

• Hazardous “people food” and safe alternatives

• Safety tips for driving, flying, boating, and outdoor adventures

• Keeping toy breeds safe

• The most common accidents in the home and garden, based on information from the nation’s largest pet insurance company

• Holiday safety tips and how to avoid weather-related hazards

• Disaster preparedness

Prevention and preparedness are easily achieved through the information in The Safe Dog Handbook.

Dog parents can feel comforted by the fact that their dog has an even better chance of staying safe because they know how to spot hazards, prevent accidents, and respond to emergencies.

Quarry Books, March 2009
168 pages • 150 color photographs/illustrations

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Click to Fetch Safe Dog Handbook: A Complete Guide to Protecting Your Pooch, Indoors and Out

Check out Melanie's YouTube video "Safe Dog Safety Tips"

Check on Melanie Monteiro

Friday, September 4, 2009

Adopt your next pet -- you will be saving a life

When you are ready to add a new companion to your life, will you adopt a homeless pet?

Between three and four million dogs and cats are euthanized each year in animal shelters across the nation. But if more families looking for a pet this year would adopt their new furry friend from a shelter, we could put an end to this tragedy. That's why I am thrilled to tell you about The Humane Society of the United States' Adopt campaign.

Dear Reader, Skyler was living in a shelter in Florida when Claudia saw his picture online. He was one of many dogs at the shelter, and his chance at finding a happy home may have seemed slim. Claudia drove more than three hours one way to meet him. She knew that shelter animals make great pets, and she wasn't about to pass him by.

Every shelter dog and cat has a story to tell. As you read this, thousands of dogs and cats of all breeds, sizes, ages, and personalities are waiting for new homes, eager to start a new chapter in their lives.

With the help of animal lovers like Claudia -- and you -- we can spread the word about the benefits of adoption and work to end the senseless euthanasia of homeless pets. Did you know that one in four shelter dogs are purebred? Or that most animals in shelters are victims of circumstance, there only because of "people problems" like divorce, foreclosure, and change in lifestyle?

Adopt your next pet -- you will be saving a life -- then urge your friends, family, and loved ones to do the same.

Also, The HSUS is partnering with the Ad Council, Maddie's Fund, and many other animal welfare groups to launch The Shelter Pet Project in late September. This three-year collaborative effort is an unprecedented media campaign urging pet lovers to make shelter adoption their first choice when bringing companion animals into their homes.

Skyler was fortunate to find a home with Claudia -- but 50 percent of shelter pets are not as lucky. Somewhere in your town, a dog or cat sits in a cage waiting for a family that may never come. Help homeless animals find their forever homes by taking the first step: Pledge to adopt your next pet, and help us make a difference for all shelter pets.

Thank you for all you do for animals.


Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Housebreaking a Dog - A New Idea

Housebreaking a Dog

Lets talk about UGODOG, an innovative indoor dog potty and house training system.

Unlike a dog litter box , UGODOG is specially designed as a stylish indoor dog toilet for canines of all shapes and sizes.

Much like training your pet to do tricks, or other healthy habits, you must use repetitive words and always use POSITIVE reinforcement. Also, please be patient with your pets. The length of training time can depend upon your pets age, training level, and habits.

Some pet owners are less informed when it comes to how to potty train a dog, but the process is very simple with the right resources and patience. It is important to incorporate a housebreaking dog program as soon as you bring your new family member home.

If your pet is already accustomed to pee pads then getting used to UGODOG should be easy. Make certain to place the UGODOG in the same place as your dog has been accustomed to using the pee pee pads. When you first remove the pee pads, make certain to introduce UGODOG to your pet by saying, "you pee here". Be sure to reward your pet the first time he, or she, uses UGODOG. You can also continue with the pee pads underneath the grates till your dog is accustomed to the UGODOG then transition to recycled newspaper.

Some dog owners think that their pet is acting sneaky when they pee in the house, but actually, the dog does not understand what he, or she, did wrong.

The trick is to catch your dog in the act and make him, or her, understand that it is a bad act, but do not reprimand him. Use a firm voice and the tone of your voice will be enough for your dog to understand that what he did was wrong. Always be sure to immediately clean up all accidents thoroughly so your dog does not return to the same spot associating it with going potty.

Another important housebreaking dog tip to remember is to always praise your dog when he does relieve himself on the indoor dog potty.

The long term trick to housetraining a dog is consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. You will never want to punish your dog for making a accident in the house.

Housebreaking a Puppy with UGODOG

Introducing a puppy to the UGODOG indoor dog potty can be more challenging. As with all puppies you should confine your pet to a fenced area when you first bring them home. Do not let them become accustomed to having access to the whole house.

Place UGODOG against a wall, somewhere near your puppy's confined area but not too close. Much like most humans, dogs do not like to eat near where they use the bathroom. Just think about that the next time you go to a restaurant and they seat you near the bathroom.

It is important to know that a puppy cannot control his muscles until about 12 weeks of age, so good housebreaking routines should be practiced during this age group.

Always keep in mind, if your pet is sniffing around nervously, more so than usual, it means your pet needs to pee or pooh. Immediately grab your pet's attention and place him on UGODOG. Stay with your pet until he or she has done their deed and praise them all throughout the process, positive reinforcement is key.

Also, if your puppy has an accident anywhere in the house make certain to immediately clean up the accident thoroughly so he, or she, does not return to that same spot catching their scent. If you catch your puppy in the act let him, or her, know that what they did was wrong with a firm tone, but do not punish your puppy.

We recommend taking your puppy to UGODOG every morning when your puppy awakens, and two hours after their meals. You can also leave a small towel that has been soaked in their urine in the UGODOG tray or put a small amount of your dog's urine in the tray and put the grates over it.

Be sure to always praise your dog's achievements and do not reprimand your pet during training as this can confuse your pet.