All Feline Products Are NOT Created Equal: SpoilMyKitty.Com™ understands that purchasing cat furniture can be an overwhelming task when considering all the choices and requirements involved. We also understand that there are several types of feline fanciers with varying needs and wants.

Spoil My Kitty guarantee all standard models for a full 6 months from the date of purchase to be free from factory defects, and will replace any part should it become broken or is not to the customer's standard free of charge during that time.
Spoil My Kitty's Premium Furniture: is designed to have more lives than your kitty, and is truly the best feline furniture money can buy! Their premium pieces are a little more expensive, but, worth more than their weight in gold. Discerning customers choose this line of product because they want nothing but the best when they Spoil The Kitty (All Models Starting With PC-).
- Indestructible 5" Diameter 100% Natural Sisal Wrapped Posts
- Welded Steel Frame Sleepers & Hammocks
- Zippered & Removable Washable Sleeper/Hammock Covers
- Huge Kitty Lounging Trays With 4" Lips
- Spacious Oversized Tunnels And Crawl Tubes
- Heavy Duty 2" Thick Tip-Proof Standard Base Plates
- Premium Faux Fur Cover Materials In Several Color Choices (No Cheap Carpet)
- All Parts Are Replaceable (No Need To Buy Another Cat Tree Ever Again!)
- 2 Year Warranty Including The Sisal Wrapping On The Posts
Spoil My Kitty guarantees the scratch posts on each and every premium model for TWO (2) YEARS. They are so confident that your feline friend(s) will not be able to "destroy" these tightly wrapped Sisal products, because, we've never had to replace a single one of these posts during the three decades we have been manufacturing cat trees.
Construction & Covering Materials: Spoil My Kitty does not use materials which resemble household items such as carpets or upholstery to cover our products. Their products are covered with the latest state-of-the-art faux materials designed especially for long lasting cat furniture. They use only the highest grade slick (washable) sliver velour (faux fur/faux fleece) fabric for their covering materials.
Spoil My Kitty's products are built with your kitty in mind from the first step of the process! Why should a sisal post be an additional cost and option in the final purchase step? All of Spoil My Kitty'scat furniture comes standard with sisal scratching posts at no additional cost!

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